The Flag of San Marino

The flag of San Marino consists of two horizontal bands of equal size, white on the top and light blue on the bottom, reflecting peace and liberty respectively. At the center lies the national coat of arms, which features three towers on three peaks, each adorned with a silver feather, set against a blue background with a crown on top symbolizing sovereignty. The coat of arms is surrounded by a wreath composed of oak and laurel leaves, symbolizing stability and victory, and a scroll below bears the word 'LIBERTAS' (Liberty).

The Flag of San Marino

History of The Flag of San Marino

The flag of San Marino was officially adopted on April 6, 1862, making it one of the world's oldest flag designs still in use. The colors and symbols on the flag have deep historical significance to the Republic of San Marino, one of the world's smallest and oldest republics. The colors white and blue are traditional colors of the republic that date back to the 14th century, representing the sky and clouds reflecting San Marino's aspiration towards liberty and peace throughout its history. The coat of arms, which dates back to the 14th century as well, emphasizes the country's commitment to independence and freedom, with the three towers representing the three fortresses on Monte Titano, the mountain on which San Marino sits. The flag not only symbolizes the nation's history and values but also its sovereignty and independence, which has been remarkably preserved since its foundation on September 3, 301 AD.