The Flag of Andorra

The flag of Andorra is a vertical tricolor consisting of blue, yellow, and red bands, with the yellow band being wider than the other two and featuring the national coat of arms in the center. The coat of arms incorporates a mitre, a staff, and two cows, symbolizing the country's historical ties to both France and Spain.

The Flag of Andorra

History of The Flag of Andorra

The flag of Andorra was officially adopted on August 27, 1866, but the current design, with the coat of arms, was finalized on July 25, 1993, following the constitution that made Andorra a parliamentary democracy. The flag's colors are influenced by those of France and Spain, the two countries that have historically co-principality over Andorra. The addition of the national coat of arms in the center of the flag is a symbol of Andorra's sovereignty and independence. Over the years, the flag has come to represent the country's unique cultural heritage, nestled in the Pyrenees mountains between its two larger neighbors.