The Flag of North Macedonia

The flag of North Macedonia features a stylized yellow sun with eight broadening rays extending from the center to the edge, set against a red background. The sun, known as the 'Sun of Liberty,' symbolizes freedom and is a prominent national symbol. The flag's red and yellow colors are traditional and hold significant historical and cultural meanings for the Macedonian people.

The Flag of North Macedonia

History of The Flag of North Macedonia

North Macedonia's flag has undergone several changes throughout its history, reflecting the country's complex national identity and political changes. The current flag was adopted on October 5, 1995, after a dispute with Greece over the use of the Vergina Sun, a symbol associated with ancient Greek history, which was featured on the country's previous flag. The adoption of the new flag was part of the interim accord signed by Macedonia (now North Macedonia) and Greece, which also included negotiations on the name issue between the two countries. The design of the current flag aimed to represent the country in a way that respects its history and cultural significance while addressing the concerns of its neighbor.