The Flag of Syria

The flag of Syria consists of three horizontal stripes of equal size, with the top stripe being red, the middle stripe being white, and the bottom stripe being black. In the middle of the white stripe, there are two green stars. The current design reflects Syria's membership in the United Arab Republic and its Pan-Arab ideology.

The Flag of Syria

History of The Flag of Syria

The flag of Syria has undergone several changes throughout its history, reflecting the country's political changes. The current flag was adopted in 1980, but its design dates back to the period of the United Arab Republic (UAR) between 1958 and 1961, when Syria and Egypt were united under a single state. The two green stars on the flag represent Syria and Egypt. After the dissolution of the UAR, Syria continued to use a version of the flag. The design was briefly changed in 1963 when the Ba'ath Party came to power, introducing a flag with three stars representing the unity of Egypt, Syria, and Iraq. However, Syria reverted to the two-star design in 1980, symbolizing its commitment to Arab unity and the ideals of the UAR, despite the union's short-lived existence.