The Flag of Mozambique

The flag of Mozambique is composed of three horizontal stripes of green, black edged in white, and yellow, with a red triangle based on the hoist side bearing a yellow star, a book, and a crossed hoe and AK-47 with a bayonet. This unique combination of symbols represents the country's agricultural history, its education, and its struggle for independence.

The Flag of Mozambique

History of The Flag of Mozambique

The current flag of Mozambique was adopted on 1 May 1983, following the country's independence from Portuguese colonial rule in 1975. The flag's design is heavily influenced by the flag of the Mozambique Liberation Front (FRELIMO), the political party that led the country to independence. The inclusion of the AK-47 on the flag symbolizes defense and vigilance, and it is one of the few national flags in the world to feature such a modern rifle. The design has remained largely unchanged since 1983, despite some discussions about removing the rifle to represent a more peaceful future. The flag's colors are also symbolic, with green representing the land, black the African continent, yellow the country's minerals, and red the struggle for independence.