The Flag of Algeria

The national flag of Algeria consists of two equal vertical halves, green on the hoist side and white on the fly side, separated by a red, five-pointed star centered within a red crescent. The green represents Islam, the white symbolizes purity and peace, the red crescent and star are traditional symbols of Islam, which is the nation's predominant religion.

The Flag of Algeria

History of The Flag of Algeria

The flag of Algeria was officially adopted on July 3, 1962, after the country gained independence from France. The design of the flag is closely linked to the Algerian War of Independence and the broader struggle against colonialism in the Arab world. The flag's origins can be traced to the Algerian nationalist movement of the early 20th century, particularly to the Party of the Algerian People (Parti du Peuple Algérien - PPA) and later the National Liberation Front (Front de Libération Nationale - FLN), which led the fight for independence. The crescent and star are traditional symbols of Islam and have been used in flags of various Islamic countries, symbolizing a connection to the broader Islamic community, while the colors green, white, and red have deep cultural and historical significance in the region.