The Flag of Mongolia

The flag of Mongolia consists of three vertical stripes; with the central stripe being red and the two outer stripes in blue. At the hoist side of the red stripe, there is a yellow Soyombo symbol, a national emblem that represents freedom and independence among other aspects. The blue color symbolizes the sky, while the red symbolizes progress and prosperity.

The Flag of Mongolia

History of The Flag of Mongolia

The current flag of Mongolia was adopted on February 12, 1992, following the transition of Mongolia to a democracy. However, the flag's basic elements date back to the 1940s. The original version of the flag, introduced in 1940, also featured the Soyombo symbol but had a different arrangement and number of colors, including a single blue stripe. Over the years, the flag underwent several modifications, particularly in the Soyombo symbol's design, to reach its current form. The transition to the current flag design reflects Mongolia's move away from Soviet influence and towards establishing its own distinct identity.