The Flag of Liberia

The flag of Liberia resembles the flag of the United States, reflecting the country's historical ties with America. It consists of eleven horizontal stripes alternating red and white, starting and ending with red. In the upper left corner is a white square bearing a single blue star. The eleven stripes represent the signatories of the Liberian Declaration of Independence, while the lone star symbolizes the country's independence and its status as a free state.

The Flag of Liberia

History of The Flag of Liberia

Liberia's flag was adopted on July 26, 1847, the same day the country declared its independence from the American Colonization Society, an organization that resettled free African Americans in West Africa. The design was intended to mirror that of the United States flag, symbolizing the origins of many of Liberia's early settlers who were formerly enslaved or born free in the United States. The flag has remained unchanged since its adoption, serving as a powerful symbol of Liberia's heritage and its establishment as a refuge for freed African Americans. The choice of colors and symbols reflects both a connection to and a distinct separation from the United States, emphasizing Liberia's sovereignty and independent national identity.