The Flag of the DR Congo

The flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo features a sky blue field with a large yellow five-pointed star in the canton and a diagonal red stripe edged in narrow yellow stripes running from the lower hoist side to the upper fly side. This flag symbolizes the country's rich natural resources, peace, dignity, and the blood shed for its independence. The star represents a radiant future for the country.

The Flag of the DR Congo

History of The Flag of the DR Congo

The current flag was adopted on February 20, 2006, and is the latest in a series of flags used by the country since gaining independence from Belgium in 1960. The Democratic Republic of the Congo has had several flags throughout its history, reflecting political changes and conflicts within the country. The original flag at independence was similar to the current flag but with a smaller star and without the red stripe. This design was replaced in 1963, and several subsequent flags were used, often reflecting the political movements or leaders in power, such as Mobutu Sese Seko's regime, which introduced a completely different flag featuring a leopard head. The return to a variation of the original flag design in 2006 signifies a return to the ideals of the independence era and an effort to unify the country.