The Flag of Djibouti

The flag of Djibouti consists of two horizontal bands of light blue and light green, with a white triangle at the hoist bearing a red, five-pointed star in the center. The light blue band represents the sky and the sea, the green band symbolizes the earth, the white triangle denotes peace, and the red star stands for unity. The flag's design reflects the country's landscape, its aspirations for peace, and its unity among diversity.

The Flag of Djibouti

History of The Flag of Djibouti

The flag of Djibouti was officially adopted on June 27, 1977, following the country's independence from France. The flag was the result of a national flag contest that aimed to create a symbol that would represent the newly independent nation's identity, values, and hopes for the future. The colors and symbols on the flag are deeply rooted in the country's cultural and national heritage, with the light blue and green reflecting the Somali and Afar peoples, two of the major ethnic groups in Djibouti. The red star is a common symbol of unity and freedom in African flags, symbolizing the country's struggle for independence and its unity in diversity. Over the years, the flag has come to be a source of pride for the people of Djibouti, representing their sovereignty, unique culture, and aspirations.