The Flag of Brazil

The flag of Brazil, known as the Bandeira do Brasil, is a distinctive symbol featuring a green field with a large yellow rhombus at the center, inside of which lies a blue globe with 27 white stars arranged as they appear in the night sky over Rio de Janeiro, including the Southern Cross, and a banner with the national motto, Ordem e Progresso (Order and Progress). Each star represents a specific state in the Brazilian federation, with the addition of one for the Federal District.

The Flag of Brazil

History of The Flag of Brazil

The current flag of Brazil was officially adopted on November 19, 1889, just four days after the country proclaimed itself a republic following the overthrow of the monarchy. The flag's design was inspired by the previous imperial flag of Brazil, but it replaced the coat of arms of the Empire of Brazil with the blue globe and motto. The design has undergone minor modifications since its introduction, mainly in 1960, 1968, and 1992, to include stars for newly created states and the Federal District. The flag's colors are said to represent Brazil's lush forests (green) and mineral wealth (yellow), although these interpretations were ascribed after the fact, as the colors originally were derived from the former imperial coat of arms. The flag's design reflects Brazil's historical transitions, its natural features, and its commitment to progress.